A Guest Book
has been added to the site. Please remember to sign it.
A page of Links
to other sites of potential interests to the family has been
added. Advise if you have a Home page or know of other sites which
you would recommend for this page.
Family pages were added for the following:
Mraz Cartier
Jenkins (Mraz)
A new page has been added for Greelis's
found whose relationship, if any, with Thomas Henry Greelis is
not known.
The Margaret Schilling
(Greelis) family tree has been added to the site. This includes
pages for:
Margaret Ellen
Schilling (Greelis)
Bernice Shork (Schilling)
Bernice Chatterton (Shork)
information has been added for Thomas Henry
and Margaret Hart Greelis and various updates have
been made to the
Talty and Dailey family pages. Special thanks goes to Matt Dailey
for providing this information.